
Every Transaction to Benefit Little Wish Foundation

I'm a mom, wife, podcast junkie & Realtor.  In this blog, we talk about key real estate topics and explore what it means to create a life we love living. 

Hi! I'm Kaylynn 

Hello Clients, Friends and Family!

Last year I was introduced to a very special non-profit called The Little Wish Foundation, an organization that brings joy and comfort to kids battling pediatric cancer. I was so touched by their work and the real, tangible impact they have on the kids they serve, I just had to find a way to get involved.

A portion of the proceeds from each and every one of my transactions will go directly toward granting wishes for kids at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Today, I’m proud to share with you that a portion of my proceeds from each and every one of my transactions will go towards supporting The Little Wish Foundation and their mission locally.

As a mom and a business woman, I am committed to doing what I can in my small corner of the world, I couldn’t be more excited and honored to support such an incredible organization.

A Little Wish with A Big Impact

Aaron’s wish of a bass guitar provided him with not only a distraction while going through cancer treatments, but it something new to focus on, have fun with, and master something that he loves.

About Little Wish

The Little Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization that grants ‘little wishes’ to pediatric oncology patients. The organization was founded by Liz Niemec in 2010 in memory of Max Olson, who lost his two-and-a-half year battle with kidney cancer at the young age of 6.

Want to help?

  1. Go to Little Wish Foundation and consider making a donation.
  2. Allow me to help you, your friends & family buy or sell your next home. I would be truly honored.






Photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash

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