Market Trends

Some Good News for the Real Estate Market

I'm a mom, wife, podcast junkie & Realtor.  In this blog, we talk about key real estate topics and explore what it means to create a life we love living. 

Hi! I'm Kaylynn 

According to a report from Zillow, web traffic to for-sale listings online has risen to levels comparable to past spring markets. While this may seem like an obvious result of people staying at home and browsing online for dream homes, showings are picking up as well.


ShowingTime recently published that scheduled showings, both virtual and in-person, have been increasing week-over-week since mid-April. This rebound is a 39% growth from the decline two weeks prior.


If you’re thinking about Selling, let’s chat about a strategy to take advantage of this trend. Schedule a (virtual) coffee chat with me HERE.

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