
What If You Don’t Qualify

I'm a mom, wife, podcast junkie & Realtor.  In this blog, we talk about key real estate topics and explore what it means to create a life we love living. 

Hi! I'm Kaylynn 

So you applied for a mortgage, and… your loan application was denied. UGH. ⁣

Don’t stress! There is hope yet for aspiring homeowners just like you. ⁣

Here’s what you can do:⁣

1️⃣ Find out why you were denied. Your loan officer should give you a definite answer as to why your application was turned down. Having this info will help you know what you need to do for next time.⁣

2️⃣ Check your credit report. Pull your free credit report and make sure there aren’t any errors.⁣

3️⃣ Pay down your debt. Most lenders want to see a debt-to-income of less than 43 percent. Do what you can to come in under that number by paying off credit cards, student loans, and car payments.⁣

4️⃣ Shop around. If you were denied a conventional loan, talk with your realtor or mortgage advisor about other loan products that may work with your financial profile. Don’t be afraid to speak with multiple lenders.⁣

If you’re looking to buy a home and have had trouble getting a loan, give me a call. I’d love to listen, encourage, connect you with my trusted lenders and get you back on the path to homeownership.

#homeowner #seattlerealestate #kaylynnkelleyre #homeloan

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