The CMA is a side-by-side comparison of homes for sale and homes that have recently sold in the same neighborhood and price range. This information is further sorted by data such as type of home, number of bedrooms, number of baths, lot size, neighborhood, property condition and features, and many other factors. The purpose is to show estimated market value, based on what other buyers and sellers have determined through past sales, pending sales and homes recently put on the market.
CMAs are generated by using property information from your real estate agent’s multiple listing service (MLS). The MLS is available to licensed members only, including brokers, salespeople, and appraisers, who pay dues to gain access to the service’s public and proprietary data, including tax roll information, sold transactions, and listings input by all cooperating MLS members. Listing agents generate CMAs for their sellers, and buyer’s agents create them for their buyers so both sides know what current market conditions are for the homes they’re interested in comparing.
The CMA is a here-and-now snapshot of the market, based on the most recent data available, but it can instantly be rendered obsolete by a new listing, or a change of status in a home with the same criteria. Why? The market is constantly changing – new listings, pending sales, closed sales, price reductions, and expired listings.
As informative as the CMA is, it should only be used as a tool and should not substitute for your real estate professional’s knowledge and advice.
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If you've been thinking about buying your next home and aren't sure where to start when it comes to buying & selling at the same time, this guide is for you!
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