Too many viruses converged on our family at once this Thanksgiving, so we had to cancel our Thanksgiving day plans with my husband’s family. Instead, we spent the day in our pajamas whipping up an impromptu mini Thanksgiving dinner.
Thankfully, we had lots of cheese, crackers and snacks in the pantry to throw together a quick cheese board while I made my favorite mashed potatoes (I use sour cream instead of heavy cream), the stuffing my husband requests every year and a delicious apple pie. Since we’re not big turkey people, I grabbed a rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods.
It was all we needed that day and felt so good to be home together in our own little world.
I know so many people/families who got hit with a bug and also had to change their plans this year. If that was you too, I’m hoping you were able to slow down, binge some Netflix and enjoy a slightly different type of Thanksgiving too…and, of course, that this bug passes ASAP.
Happy (kind of) Thanksgiving!
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