Both the inside and outside of your home could use a good once-over to make it look its best and keep it well-maintained. And that’s why “spring cleaning” and other seasonal prep work should be at the top of your to-do list for the weeks ahead.
You want to fully enjoy your home and yard once some gorgeous days come our way, so take the time to schedule some must-do tasks earlier in the season so you can cross them off your list.
Remember that the time you spend on regular maintenance will help preserve the value of your home and will help prevent everyday “wear and tear” from turning into costly damage.
The warmer weather can make it a perfect time for some DIY projects. However, seek out an expert for those more difficult clean-up or repair needs.
Here is a handy list of springtime tasks – some for early spring and some later on in the season — that every homeowner should know about:
The heat will be here before you know it, yes even in Seattle! If you have AC it’s time to get it up and running properly so you can keep your home cool. If not, stuck up on fans before they inevitably sell out.
• Central AC Unit. Get your central AC unit serviced now by HVAC professional. A yearly tune-up will keep it running. Keep this unit, which is located outside, clean and free of leaves and debris. Trim any shrubs away from the unit since it needs circulation space.
• AC Units. Set up your window unit or wall unit. Make sure you clean it once a month when using it – vacuum dust and dirt around it to prevent clogging, and change the filter. Remember to cover your window unit if you don’t remove it after the season.
Let the sun shine in and clean your home from top to bottom. Tackle a few of these tasks each cleaning period so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Remember to always follow your manufacturer’s cleaning instructions for any items.
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